Beaver Cut

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    Photo: Stephen Pitkin/Pitkin Studio
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    Photo: Stephen Pitkin/Pitkin Studio
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    Photo: William Arnett, 1995
Sticks, string, and plastic wheel
43 x 48 x 34 inches
Collection of
Souls Grown Deep Foundation

Beaver Cut was erected from sticks taken from an abandoned beaver dam in the nearby creek. It warns humanity that unless we learn, like the beaver, to work with nature rather than in violation of natural order, our species is doomed to environmental problems that cannot be overcome. A hangman's noose—a symbol well known to blacks—swings below a configuration of sticks, wires (communication), and gadgets (technology unleashed). Holley constructed the piece in the center of a mud puddle after a hard rain. It is a "ground charm" for the human race.